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Want to order freight in a minute?

RUSOQ — The easiest way to get instant freight quotes for your cargo and ship it worldwide

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Ocean Freight. Results.

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What is RUSOQ?

It is the easiest way to get instant freight quotes for your cargo and ship it worldwide while saving time and resources unlike existing system of online quotation used by the market.

Why customers choose RUSOQ

Instant & accurate freight quotes

You do not need to wait anymore. Get accurate freight rates instantly right now, 24/7 !

All-in-one multimodal freight rates

Compare all-in freight rates & find the best deals from all available carriers in the world.

One-stop-shop service

All freight modes, all freight processes, one single platform. Get freight rate and book transport in one window.

Extensive network of 120 partners

We cooperate with leading transport companies to handle transport at any place, anytime all over the world.

Best deals

Find the best and competitive deals from all available carriers in the world!

Unique transport routes

Already automated and calculated by RUSOQ for your needs.


Find the answers about RUSOQ and instat freight quoting process in our FAQ

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